Airports are notoriously loud environments for workers and visitors. They need to create a quiet, pleasant atmosphere for the shops and other services in the terminals, that operate sometimes 24 hours a day. Some of these services, such as a bar or coffee shop may even have external areas, such as a beer garden or outside terrace. in these instances it is important to try to reduce the inevitable noises that aeroplane, refuelling trucks and other traffic generate.
We successfully treat:
- Excessive environmental sound pollution in airport terminals or in servicing hangars.
- Sound that crosses between shops and cafes within an airport terminal
- Reverberation noises that can echo around large open spaces in a built environment such as a terminal or hangar
- External traffic noises that can enter an airport terminal through the entrances
- Excessive banging, clattering and rattling of many different origins within the working areas or a terminal or hangar
- Isolation of unwanted external sound and noise away from VIP areas such as lounges and bars, where a pleasant human environment is desired and demanded by customers and passengers.